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Woodsmith + Buildology: The power of architect + builder working hand in hand

In construction and renovation it’s not uncommon for architects and builders to find themselves at odds. 

At Woodsmith it’s our job to turn architectural plans into reality so it makes sense that we approach the architect-builder relationship as one of mutual collaboration.

We’ve joined forces with architectural agency Buildology on a number of Auckland projects. Buildology’s Principal Designer, Romé Smit, shares her thoughts on why a united approach between architect and builder works so well. 

Shared common goal

Buildology and Woodsmith first joined forces in 2021 on a Tamaki Drive apartment block renovation.

The long-term project has been both technically and logistically testing. It involved an old 1900 building “that was chopped and changed over the years” and required skilled and considerate project management to balance the construction timeline with the needs and expectations of five different apartment owners. 

Romé says Buildology and Woodsmith have approached any issues by problem-solving together with the ultimate goal to keep the experience stress-free for their clients. 

“There’s always going to be little things that pop up on both ends, especially with renovations. When you open up walls it’s not always how it should be so it’s about going at it together knowing everyone’s doing their best to do a good job.”

“The value is in the collaboration, in being able to solve problems together,” 

Technical expertise + humility

Romé says carrying out construction on the “very tricky site” was no small feat but the Woodsmith team handled everything with confidence and precision. 

“There were some pretty serious steel beams that had to go in place to stabilise the building and the access was limited. The other residents were all still living in their apartments and the whole two stories of the house had to be propped up and the steel beams had to be hoisted in without hitting the neighbouring building.”

Woodsmith’s ability to “thread the needle” confirmed to Romé that they were no cowboys. 

“That was my first ‘yep, you guys are pretty good’ moment.”

However, it is Woodsmith’s humility that sets them apart, says Romé.

“They’re confident they’ve got the expertise to do the work, but they’re not cocky and saying they know everything and charging ahead. They’re willing to come to me when needed but I know they’re not coming with silly questions and trip-ups. They’re very, very good at what they do.”

The positive and welcoming atmosphere on the construction site was another promising sign for Romé, which helped foster open communication and trust between builder and architect.

“They’re a really good team, always smiling and just enjoying what they are doing.” 

Evolving synergies

With confidence in Woodsmith’s building expertise, the partnership has evolved beyond the construction phase of projects. Romé now brings Mike in early during the design process to help align their visions and address potential challenges before they start construction.

“It makes a huge difference on our side in terms of time and resources,” she says. 

Equally, Mike will refer a client to Buildology, if he feels their project needs some architectural support. 

Together, Buildology and Woodsmith have found success in working harmoniously, communicating openly, and solving problems together.

“The value of our partnership is in the collaboration and giving people the information they need to make informed decisions.” 

This commitment to providing clients with the best solutions, rather than simply selling contracts, reflects Romé and Mike’s dedication to their respective crafts and determination to deliver an exceptional building experience and result for their clients.